Short Line of the Alleghenies


This page contains read aheads and supplement information to assist train crews prior to the upcoming ops session.



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Session 70
Remote Operations Instructions
Remote Camera Viewing Order
NCL Camera Location Diagram
NCL Dispatcher Screen Rotation Diagram

Dispatcher Operations Manual Excerpt
Entire Session
Train Line Up Sheet - Session A
Train Line Up Sheet - Session A1
Train Line Up Sheet - Session A2
Train Line Up Sheet - Session B
Train Line Up Sheet - Session C
Train Line Up Sheet - Session C1
Road Crews
Crew Assignments - Entire Session
Sessions A
Crew Assignments - Session A
Crew Assignments - Sessions A1
Crew Assignments - Sessions A2
Train Routes and Switchlists
Sessions B
Crew Assignments - Session B
Crew Assignments - Session B1
Train Routes and Switchlists
Sessions C
Crew Assignments - Session C
Crew Assignments - Session C1
Train Routes and Switchlists

Track Authority Description
Track Authority Form
Customer Service Maps for Local Trains
Maps for Trains 501T and 523T
Maps for Trains 502T, 503T, 504T, 522T, 524T and 525T
Yard Crew
Blocking Chart for Trains 501T, 502T, 503T, 504T, 522T, 523T, 524T and 525
Yard Operations Manual Excerp
Yardmaster Tracking Sheet
NC Yard Switch List
NC Yard Car Routing Matrix

Hostler Duties
Locomotive Service Diagram
Inbound Locomotive Servicing Chart
Locomotive Maintenance Log

Dubois Coal Plant
Dubois Coal Plant Map and Instructions
Dubois Plant Switch List
Important Supplemental Documents
Engine Yard Panel Diagram
NCL Track Plan
NCL Track Schematic
Staging Yard Town Locations on the Layout
Radio Quick Sheet
Common Terms used on the Nickel City Line Railroad
This web site and all its contents, are Copyright (C) 2021-2031 by the Nickel City Line,
Prince William County, Virginia